Selling Fees and Subscriptions
Pallet Clearance will create a store for each wholesale supplier and display the seller information like company name, address, telephone number or website. Each package comes with different features and options as described below:

Shareholder not just member
Sign up as a Gold supplier and you are entitled to 249 shares in our company.
Accepting the shares in our platform is NOT mandatory.
Featured Offers
Promoting an offer on top of the results page will cost £3/day or £10/month which works out at £0.33/day
If you wish to advertise on our platform, please contact us to discuss advertising costs
What are "live offers" included within the subscription?
You can list as many offers as you want but, at any given time you can't have more than X live offers available on the website, like for example on Bronze subscription you can have only 20 ads running.
What do you define as "warehouses"?
Our system allows you to sell goods from other suppliers as well, products that can be in other warehouses not in your own. To do so you'll have to enter the warehouse location so our system can calculate the delivery cost automatically. Each subscription comes with certain restrictions, for example on the Silver subscription you can add up to 50 suppliers while on Gold one, you can add as many as you would like.
What is "RPQ"?
RPQ stands for Request Price Quotation, a special area in our platform where anyone can place purchase enquiries. This area is reserved for our Silver and Gold members.
What is a "Virtual Assistant"?
At Pallet Clearance we offer our Silver and Gold members the option to send their offers through WhatsApp, Telegram or by email. All we need is a picture with the pallet, what it contains and the price for it, our administrators will then manually list the pallet on to our system so all our customers can see the offer. Click here to find out more